We raise “Cinta Senese”, a Tuscan breed of ancient origins.
These pigs are even depicted in the famous fresco “The Allegory of Good Government in City and Country” by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (1319-1347) found in the Civic Museum of Siena.
The “Cinta Senese” pigs are named after a white band surrounding their chest and extending to the front legs. These rustic animals cannot be raised within stables but must be let free to roam. This adds to their well-being and to the flavour of the meat.
After one and a half year of grazing freely in our chestnut groves, the pigs reach 150 kilos. Their meat is delicately flavoured, and above all, in great demand. Recent studies conducted by the University of Florence demonstrated that their fat is full of “good” cholesterol with traces of Omega 3 fatty acids. Try putting a slice on hot toasted bread: it will almost melt.
Our farm makes its own salami and ham in the traditional way. Once a week, or upon request, our butcher will prepare cuts of fresh meat (chops, spare-ribs, “scamerita”, sausages) to sell direct from the woods to the table! The meat is marked “DOP”, indicating its Cinta Senese Tuscan origin and genetic type.
Within our estate is a shop where you can buy olive oil, honey, chestnut flour. On request we also organize tastings in the cellar.